The Garden Layout

The Woodland Garden

There was not a tree in sight when we started this project, and now it is a mature mini woodland habitat, which is proving to be highly successful.

Early shot of  woodland garden planting of original saplings.Early shot of woodland garden planting of original saplings.Mature Woodland Garden 1Mature Woodland Garden 1Mature Woodland Garden 2Mature Woodland Garden 2

There are fruit trees in the adjacent fruit and veg garden, whilst here in the main woodland we have planted various mainly native trees: alder buckthorn, ash, beech, elder, elm (wych and English), field maple, hawthorn, hazel, holly, hornbeam, oak, rowan, silver birch, whitebeam, wild cherry, and others. More species are to be found in another wooded area at the end of the pond garden (details in that section). Dutch Elm Disease made a reappearance some years back but most of the elms recovered and now appear to be healthy, flowering, and strong.

Elm treeElm tree

Rabbit warren

The ‘hill’ in the NE corner of this garden was in fact the original dumping ground of all the dug out turf over the years when beds were created. This alone is illustrative of the vast work involved. It is now home to a rabbit warren, the animals becoming major pests in the veg garden as well as digging holes in the woodland garden and neighbouring meadow area.

In addition to adding a totally different perspective to the garden (and providing much needed shady areas!) we have encouraged genuine woodland species of butterfly, especially the Speckled Wood, Holly Blue, Gatekeeper, Ringlet, and in recent years the White-letter and Purple Hairstreaks, with the Silver-washed Fritillary and White Admiral waiting in the wings.

Speckled WoodSpeckled WoodHolly BlueHolly BlueGatekeeperGatekeeperRingletRingletSilver-washed FritillarySilver-washed FritillaryWhite-letter HairstreakWhite-letter HairstreakPurple HairstreakPurple HairstreakWhite AdmiralWhite Admiral

The Garden Layout